Monday, December 13, 2010

Nephews Leave - Good Reports

Today the nephews (Steven & Jeff) had to leave. They came to see you to say goodbye. You had given a lot of eye contact today - you must have opened your eyes about 10 times. The boys asked you to blink if they are your favorite nephews. You winced and tried to lift your arms. Whether it was to hug them or punch them we are not sure. They will be back at Christmas. Miss you already Steven and Jeff... Luckily we have Daniele (Steveie D's sister) coming in tomorrow. Mom Dunklin would love to be here, but Steveie D needs her for the long haul once Michele gets home. So she is waiting for his signal.

The x-ray's say there is no need to operate on your pelvic fractures - YEA! also the kidney leak has subsided so no need to operate there either - its a great day, Michele. You were off of your ventilator for 5.5 hours today. Way to exercise those lungs. You may be back at Vectra before we know it. OK that may be too optimistic but why not - God is working miracles. See ya tomorrow friend - keep mouthing those kisses and everybody keep praying we get Michele back to the boat by Christmas.... Nighty night, Michele - Love you - Michelle


  1. Thank you, Michelle ... for keeping us all up-to-date on Michele's remarkable progress. We're continuing to pray for God's hand in all that's going on with her. Jane & Wayne

  2. Ok, back in Stmbt. by Christmas it is. We will be praying everyday for this to happen. So happy to hear of your amazing progress, you are one tough cookie!! Much love coming your way Michele- stay strong! Blessings to Steve & Zach too, you are in our prayers. Michael & Angel.
