Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Meal Day

"Bring me a Happy Meal," Michele said to Steve. Sounds like dinner tonight is taken care of. It's a great sign when our wonderful health conscious great cook, Michele, wants to put McDonalds in her body. Michele was in such great spirits today. I got a cold this weekend and haven't been able to visit her since Sunday. I was only receiving  second hand information; what a difference just a few days make. Since I last saw her she is now able to place weight on her left leg which is the broken one and able to walk by herself around her room safely. She is still assisted when running laps around Doak  (her version of running laps anyway), but such a great improvement in only four days.  She also sits on a big ball and exercises and uses a form of a sit down elliptical working both arms and legs. She now has two sessions of physical therapy daily. Before you know she will be able to take Steveie D on. She is getting better because she is ready to let Steve have it. He is telling her to do her breathing exercises or risk pneumonia. She is not really going to let him have it and he is doing all the right things, but she is now very focused on doing her breathing exercises. He is also a food pusher, if we are going to air all the dirty laundry. Steveie D. she loves you so much, but you are a food pusher!
I just talked to Steve and he wanted to express his desire for everyone to come visit. It really lifts her spirits. She can only take the women on the "View " for so long before real people are needed.  I found today that she is feeling so good she wants to go on and on, but don't let her or if she insists, just stay a half hour or less. Even a short five minute visit is very welcomed. There is a sign on her door that says she is resting - she is not. Just check in with the nurses and they will call her to be sure she is not with a doctor, doing physical therapy,  showering , etc... More than likely you can say hi; just check in with the nurses first.
Tomorrow we are shopping for a new washer and dryer. She doesn't know this yet , but  Steveie D. cannot possibly be the house husband he wants to be with faulty gear. Butch Loveland tried to fix the old girl and although she is spinning better she is on her way out.  Steve loved being back at work and his passion for selling cars. Our family has bought at least three from him, so I know how he loves what he does. Even if you don't need a car stop by Cook Chevrolet  and give him a big hug - he is under a lot right now. Last night Z was running late at B-Ball practice then he took him shopping for some much needed new clothes - the boy is growing like a weed. After clothes shopping they went to visit Michele then home for more laundry. Michele still has a few  weeks to go at the Doak, but Steveie D will be so happy to have Linda and Michele home:)
 A couple of major improvements are that she is off the two oral pain meds. and now on  one patch that does it all. She is also off the sleep aids. Her wound vac. was removed today. We will see if it stays away. This was in process when I left. Really great news!!!! Thanks for staying tuned in to her progress and be sure to go say hi - she is our Christmas miracle and will surely brighten your day when you go to see her. Love hugs and kisses from her happy happy family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle and Steve,
    Here I am in Oregon reading every chance I get to see how you all are doing. I am so happy to hear about the improvements..I know you will continue to get better and better, that is the kind of girl you are!!! Us bankers are tough!!! Some day when I can I will be back visiting the Boat and I will be happy to see your smiling face at the you Laurie Cluster
